購票中心 Ticketing Centre
6 May 2023 | 8PM | China Congregational Church
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TRENTE - A Contemporary Flute & Piano Duo Recital 當代長笛及鋼琴二重奏音樂會
子曰:三十而立,音樂家的「三十」,又可以是什麼意義? 香港當代長笛及鋼琴音樂二重奏組合Project M0Ch3, 為呼應法國五月藝術節三十周年誌慶,精選了幾個作曲家 在三十歲時所作,或第三十號作品演出曲目,包括貝多芬、 德布西、對法國二十世紀作曲家影響深遠的娜迪婭.布蘭潔及兩名日本曲家伊藤康英及Beja 的近代長笛及鋼琴作品。
Project M0Ch3, a Hong Kong contemporary flute and piano duo, in celebration of French May’s 30th anniversary, will present a programme that will hint at what the number thirty means to musicians. The pieces are either composed when the author was thirty, or their 30th opus. The programme includes works by Beethoven, Debussy, Nadia Boulanger, and two Japanese composers, Ito and Beja.
日期 Date: 6 May 2023
時間 Time: 8 PM
地點 Venue:
中華基督教會公理堂 6 樓演奏廳 | China Congregational Church 6/F Recital Theatre
地址 Address: 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道 119 號 | 119 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: projectm0ch3@yahoo.com