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Project M0Ch3, initiated by two pioneer performers Stephen Lee and Christine Cheng, aims to bring the latest and most forward-thinking solos music around the world to Hong Kong audience, and recreate such refreshing inspiration once Bach, Beethoven or Stravinsky had brought to people back in the great musical periods. 


Unlike other new music performances in town which focusing on larger ensembles or complicated installments, Project M0Ch3 introduces you something relatable with intimate recitals and other forthcoming events that could involve every one of us. 


Taste it, Chew it, Project M0Ch3 is the sweetest sound of OUR time. You can’t find it anywhere else.




Project M0Ch3, 係以推廣當代音樂為頭號目標嘅組合。其實當代音樂就好似甜品款式咁日日有新口味,單單一年就可以有成千上萬嘅新作品面世,當中都好多好好聽嘅獨奏作品,香港人係好少機會接觸到,原因就係因為主流演奏會冇人玩囉! 又或者啲當代音樂就淨係好似小眾先會得閒搞下啲 ensemble自己圍爐取暖。Project M0Ch3就係想將當代音樂(尤其係獨奏及小型室樂作品)介紹番俾普羅大眾, 大家冇理由唔試吓新野咁Out,又或者,當代音樂亦都可以好似飯後一粒雪米糍咁,係你欣賞貝多芬或者德布西之餘,成為音樂盛宴畫上完整句點的finale dessert。


留意番,Project M0Ch3 未來會有更多新搞作,希望大家多多支持!

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